John Taylor makes it home from Wales (7.9.1652)
On this date in 1652 John Taylor the Water Poet made it back home to the Poet's Head (formerly the Crown) in Phoenix Alley, Long Acre...

#WaterPoet2017 Update (in which I'm a bit mean about JT)
On this day in 1652 John Taylor reached Cardiff and dined with Aaron Price, the Town Clerk: the 23 of August, I rode eight miles to the...

Penglais pupils take part in #WaterPoet2017
Today John Taylor (1578-1653) has reached Aberystwyth, so it's an appropriate day to share the work of school pupils at Penglais School,...

The Journey So Far #WaterPoet2017
John Taylor the Water Poet (1578-1653) is now firmly on his way to Wales after two weeks of traveling. He set off from London on July...

Pilot Project Launch - John Taylor sets off
I'll be tweeting John Taylor's eight week journey in real time from @DrJ_Gregory using the hashtag #WaterPoet2017

John Taylor the Water Poet - Pilot Project (Summer 2017)
I am currently producing an annotated modern-spelling digital edition of his journey and I plan to publish that here and live tweet his trav